We all love chocolate, right? Ok….not all of us do, but it’s fair to say a good proportion of us are choc-o-holics! In fact, in a recent study of Brits in the UK, almost a third of the population admitted to eating chocolate every day, compared to only 3% claiming they never eat chocolate at all.

With it being classed as a personal treat, the average Brit spends more than £325 on chocolate every year with peak sales around Christmas, and Easter. – Just think of all that sugar.
What would you say if I said we could still have the indulgence of chocolate, a healthier lifestyle, maybe save money, and help the UK population? Well it is possible! Let me introduce to you the launch of our “Chocolate Collection” brought out in time for Easter.

We are super excited to be presenting this range to you because Sven and I both love chocolate ourselves, but we would like to be more healthy. This range of artwork has been created by our very own Sven, and this range is so delightful. -Don’t take my word for it, look at the images below and see for yourselves.

I look at these designs and it’s a real guilty pleasure for me. They all say, “EAT ME,” but then it’s shortly followed with “must fight the temptation of eating it, and put my money to better use” and what better way to do that then by giving back to a very worthwhile Charity to help our population become more healthier too? We proudly announce that Hardy + Christensen will donate 10% of our profits on all sales within this collection to The British Heart Foundation. (A charity that is indeed a favourite of mine, particularly after being diagnosed with Rheumatic Heart Disease and having had major heart surgery).

The British Heart Foundation was founded back in 1961 by a group of medical professionals who were concerned about the increasing death rate from cardiovascular disease. They use their funds predominantly to perform cardiovascular research, of which I have received the benefit of when I had a procedure that had only been performed 9 times in the UK by only one of two highly skilled Interventional Cardiologists. This new procedure was performed last June, and literally saved my life – so you can see why this charity is literally close to my heart.

We hope you like our artwork collection, and I would be interested to see which design is most popular. My favourite is the “Burst of Orange”, whereas Sven’s favourite is “Triple Choc”. What’s yours?
Anna xx